
  • Network Audit
  • Vendor Audit
  • Training
  • Compentence Development
  • Energy Audit

Network Audit

A complete review of your mobile network infrastructure, organization and business processes shall be required for an Operator to clarify condition of the network, and define the list of requirements prior to a network expansion or implementing a new technology. Following a site audit, Qua Audit services provide Operators a complete report that gives clear and comprehensive information about present infrastructure as a result of an assessment of:
– Core Network
– Radio Access Network
– Transmission Network
– Security of the infrastructure
– Organizational structure
– Business processes and outputs

Qua Audit provides information about traffic volume, transmission issues, loading patterns, Organisational readiness, Quality of services to locate problems, analyze trends, and make more informed network and organisation management decisions.


Vendor Audit

At times of investment on new technologies, an operator needs to finalize a “more than brief” of several vendors’ quality, features, equipment roadmaps, integrity, price, delivery, service and support options.

Qua’s process to complete successful vendor evaluation covers understanding the customer’s present situation, the competence environment in the country of presence, influence on future goals in line with the technology trends and finally present an evaluation of available opportunities and their compatibility with the operator’s expectations.



In order to catch the fast changing technology environment, companies have to keep their employers up-to-date both theoretically and practically. Qua provides trainings to telecom companies including mobile operators, vendors, and subcontractors on major technologies such as GSM, 3G and LTE. With its telecom experts, Qua delivers excellent training programs which would help companies to reach their targets by improving their current resources. Depending on the request, our certified trainers prepare customized technical training programs which take place both on-site and off-site.


Compentence Development

Qua designs and conducts necessary trainings and seminars in technology and business areas to strengthen your organization either you are an incumbent operator or migrating to a new technology. Competence Development services are presented either in Qua premises in Turkey or in customer desired locations.


Energy Audit

By energy audits, Qua provides a big picture understanding of the current energy usage for the Operators so that prioritized energy project recommendations can be made and Energy Efficiency Measures are taken. The audit is performed to understand what systems are in use, how much energy each system is using, whether the systems are in good repair and operating efficiently, what measures can be taken to extend lifetime of equipment (e.g. batteries) placed on site etc. Following the audit report, intelligent decisions can then be made on which systems to repair, upgrade, replace or add.